New Mexicans have had enough

Diane Denish is now claiming to be a champion of ethics reform, but she hasn’t always supported open government. By contrast, I share the belief of the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, who wrote, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” Continue Reading

Brother, can you spare 50 large?

Following two debates with the Cato Institute’s health policy director, I’m still convinced that none of the arguments to let markets alone take care of health will work if your goal is to make sure sick people get health care. Continue Reading

Why U.S. Constitution Day is important to New Mexico

The Constitution of the United States proves that out of many different peoples, interests and desires, one cohesive, national society can be created. The document gave the founders the unity and stability they wanted as a nation while safeguarding the rights and liberties of states and individuals. Continue Reading

Creating a culture of responsibility

There is no doubt that some New Mexicans have lost faith in their state government and the burden is on all of us in elected office to earn it back. We must create in Santa Fe a culture of duty, a culture of transparency. A culture of responsibility. Continue Reading