To thine own self

Being a legislator in this state, during this crisis, is pretty darn thankless. Be true to yourself and the people who elected you to represent them, and I would respectfully submit that your choices, while still incredibly difficult, will at least be a bit more palatable — to voters and to yourself. Continue Reading

Commonsense principles for hard budget times

As we head into the special session, projections of our state’s budget shortfall get worse and worse. And the specter of massive cuts — or even a few tax increases — looms larger every day. So here they are, my guidelines for making these hard budget decisions. Continue Reading

We must be creative with state trust land

If the refueling station in Santa Teresa is the type of project that the adjoining communities support, I would recommend looking at some other options that could generate a greater dollar return for the State Land Office — and thus for our schools. Continue Reading