More energy, more jobs, more revenue

I am amazed that our elected officials would even consider raising taxes during a time of recession in our state. What the Richardson-Denish administration and the Democrat-led State Legislature fail to see is that higher taxes won’t create more revenue; they will create less. Continue Reading

Independents Rule!

Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts is just the beginning of an independent movement around the country, including the tea party, that values good, responsive government above all else. This is not a fad. Continue Reading

Is Hollywood our first priority?

Today in New Mexico movie production companies receive checks from the New Mexico state treasury equal to 25 percent of their approved expenditures. In fiscal year 2009, which ended June 30, this one program cost you, the taxpayer, $82 million. I believe this program is an abuse of your tax dollars. Continue Reading

Haiti and the case for good government

The politicking and proselytizing of Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson is wrong, but there’s nothing wrong with looking at why a 7.0 quake in Haiti kills 100,000 or more Haitians while a similar temblor in similarly dense Los Angeles kills only a handful of Americans. Continue Reading