Time to tax gas purchased on Native American lands

Many New Mexicans are unaware of the potential tax revenue that could be generated through taxation of gasoline purchased on Native American reservation lands. The exemtion is no longer needed, thanks in part to the casino revenues that are boosting the economies of many Native American pueblos and tribes. Continue Reading

Low-hanging fruit

There’s no way — none — to continue using a cuts-only approach to balancing the state’s budget without directly hurting New Mexicans even further. The good news is that there are a variety of sensible revenue ideas that don’t hurt economic recovery. Continue Reading

NM should take lead on investment reform

Our state funds, in addition to tax revenue, are the basis for our annual budget and are the $30 billion endowment for our state’s educational services. I hope New Mexico can lead the way in passing comprehensive investment fund reform, the first in reform that will likely follow in other states facing similar crises. Continue Reading

Every parent left behind

The No Child Left Behind Act may someday be remembered as the Every Parent Left Behind Act. Loss of control is a key reason why so many New Mexican parents and teachers have expressed dissatisfaction with our education system. Continue Reading

Money and politics should not mix

The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding political spending by corporations and unions was more than just a blow to democracy. It was a blow to states’ rights. All across the country, lawmakers are scrambling to determine the extent to which their local campaign financing laws are still legal. Continue Reading

What Americans thought about Obama’s speech

Rather than listening to pundits, my laptop and I traveled out of the District to the home of a dear friend in Falls Church, Virginia. I listened to zero commentary. Just soaked in e-mails and texts from self-professed Democrats, independents and Republicans. Here’s what I and they thought. Continue Reading