Having a Tiger by the tale

Tiger Woods needs to go to Africa not as a celebrity but as a worker and spend the next two years obscurely making things better in a country 99 percent of the world does not even know exists. Take no cameras nor press people and leave no trail. Spend two years undiscovered by the press serving humanity as penitence. Continue Reading

The ‘T’ word

One part of our state budget negotiations that has drawn almost no attention from the media or from advocates is that the bulk of revenues being discussed are scheduled to be phased out. They’re being called “temporary.” Keeping that “T” word in revenue legislation would be an enormous mistake, both fiscally and politically. Continue Reading

An open letter to fellow Democrats

Maybe it is time to discuss a third party that reflects what’s actually in the state Democratic Party platform. We need a party that supports ethics reform, a fair tax system and equality for all New Mexicans. We need a party that puts the environment ahead of corporate interests. We need a party that fights for working people, not for corporate greed. Continue Reading

Legislature taking responsible, prudent path

The Legislature is making hard choices to cut government spending and raise the money necessary to pay for essential services. While no one is happy about the choices we are making, all of us can take some comfort in knowing that the Legislature is acting responsibly. Continue Reading

Undercover legislator

The state now has one employee for every 87 residents. Under libertarian Gary Johnson? One employee for every 81 residents. I hope legislators on both sides of the aisle start to acknowledge how trim our state government has become and work toward a balanced approach to filling our budget gap. Continue Reading