A new tool to help us oversee government

The Sunshine Portal is a Web site that will provide every New Mexico citizen with important information on the state’s finances and overall fiscal health. More importantly, with the veil of concealment pulled away, it will provide citizens with information to effectively oversee the operation of state government. Continue Reading

Here comes the sun

I’m going to celebrate this week – National Sunshine Week – by giving thanks for America’s many sunshine guarantees. In New Mexico, thanks to a legion of dedicated activists, we now have some of the toughest freedom-of-information laws in the nation. Continue Reading

Clarifying the big picture

Lost in the whole health-care debate are simple questions, like what kind of system creates the best incentives for people to stay healthy. The answer to that question was made clear to me this week by CIGNA. Continue Reading

Up in flames

I was planning to write a rapid response piece to all the snarky, ill-willed and unfounded political comments that were supposed to be made at last night’s 82nd Academy Awards. The problem: There was absolutely zero fuel for the fodder. Continue Reading

Burning down schools to improve them

The entire staff of a Rhode Island high school was fired last week as part of a school improvement project. One headline opined that the mass firing of school personnel may signal a trend. Actually, it is a trend already in place of doing stupid things in the management of schools. Continue Reading