Holding GOP leadership accountable

On Sunday, GOP Chairman Harvey Yates took sides in a TV ad fight between two of my opponents in this race. His involvement breaks our rules, shows a bias and betrayed the neutrality Republican Party officials are supposed to respect. Continue Reading

For the GOP, a moment of truth

If ever a political party was given a shot at power by discredited incumbents, it would be the Republican Party of New Mexico in 2010. Nevertheless, it is far from clear that Republicans will convince a skeptical public to allow them to govern the state, no matter how eager it is for change. Here’s why. Continue Reading

Trash-talking my government

My family’s old ranch house costs an extra $240 a year in trash fees even though there’s no trash to collect because it’s uninhabitable and no one lives there. It’s considered livable for tax purposes because the government needs the money. Continue Reading

Elections of, by and for the people

CBS News reports that there are 237 millionaires in Congress. That’s 44 percent of our Federal lawmakers. Millionaires represent only 1 percent of the general population. We need more candidates who can campaign effectively on a limited budget. Continue Reading