Overcoming New Mexico’s economic crisis

Daily, reality reminds even the most optimistic among us: The sour New Mexico economy cannot turn around fast enough to avoid even more cuts to state services. Our challenge now is to work equally hard at minimizing the harm from those cuts and at maximizing our economy’s ability to recover. Continue Reading

Lacking a trustworthy local leadership

In the last month I have had a front-row seat to a controversy in which the Las Cruces leadership has acted improperly. At stake are millions of dollars and jobs for our local economy. Also at stake is the reputation of our city, with companies wanting to do business but unsure if the city leadership can be trusted. Continue Reading

Wilderness bill puts Teague in a tough spot

The Doña Ana County wilderness bill that New Mexico’s U.S. senators and local activists are trying to push through Congress before the end of the year puts U.S. Rep. Harry Teague in a very tough political spot. The legislation has to be pushed through this year or its chances of passing could go way down. But pushing the bill through this year could seal Teague’s fate. Continue Reading

Hayek goes Costco

In his classic “The Road to Serfdom,” F. A. Hayek argues that the pursuit of socialist ideals leads to totalitarianism. Why is it so popular more than 60 years after it was published? I can only surmise that Hayek’s stardom must mean that people are searching for alternative answers to our current economic catastrophe. Continue Reading

The gatekeeper to NM’s political machine

“Corruption in New Mexico has reached the level of epidemic, and is in all forms of government.” Don’t take my word for it; take it from recently retired FBI Special Agent in Charge Tom McClenaghan, who concluded that our state might just be the most corrupt in the nation. It’s time for a change. Continue Reading

Denish and Martinez are two fine candidates

When interviewing the candidates for governor, I found both to be articulate and intelligent. I was divided on their answers to my questions. Right now, I am into watchful waiting to see which candidate handles herself best in addressing the issues and which campaign avoids attacking her opponent. Continue Reading