It’s time to get serious about eliminating fraud

At a time when the United States is in a recession and individuals, business and governmental agencies alike are feeling the economic crunch, there is a pool of additional money available right at our fingertips. No; it is not to be found in the form of higher taxes, but rather in the elimination of fraud. Continue Reading

We need vision and leadership in the land office

In the 10 years he served as commissioner, my opponent allowed this important office to become a haven for special interests with little regard for the actual charge of the state land office. I want to bring a new brand of leadership and balance to the N.M. State Land Office where all benefactors and users of the trust can reach a common ground. Continue Reading

Telling the truth about budgets

Susana Martinez continues to consistently claim that state government has grown by 50 percent (sometimes she says 54 percent) during the last 7.5 years. Her allegation about state government is simply not true, and it’s not even close. Continue Reading

King shouldn’t defend NM driver’s license policy

In 2003, Governor Bill Richardson signed legislation to allow those who are in this country unlawfully to obtain a New Mexico driver’s license. Seven years later, however, it is clear this experiment has failed, and yet the state’s chief law enforcement officer, Attorney General Gary King, is still defending the policy. Continue Reading

New Mexico needs to get serious about trade

With nothing to show for it, Governor Bill Richardson has just returned from another so-called “trade mission” to Cuba to meet with the communist regime’s dictators. Meanwhile, New Mexico lags behind other states in exports. Clearly, our state needs to get serious about trade. Continue Reading

The truth about the Baby Brianna bill

State Sen. Mary Jane Garcia recently accused Republican gubernatorial candidate Susana Martinez of misrepresenting her role in the passage of a bill that resulted in tougher penalties for child abuse resulting in death. But the reality is that it’s Garcia – not Martinez – who is misrepresenting the facts. Continue Reading