Appearances matter

As I’ve been digging into the records of both gubernatorial candidates in the past few months, a common theme has emerged: a stunning lack of understanding by both candidates of the importance of avoiding situations that could create an appearance of impropriety. Continue Reading

New Mexico’s real economic driver

Paul Gessing takes an enormous leap of faith in his blog post about the effectiveness of tax cuts. There is hardly conclusive evidence that the 2003 income tax cuts created any jobs, much less were responsible for the economic growth prior to the 2007 stock market crash. Continue Reading

Caseloads and judicial election

In a recent letter to a local paper, my opponent attempted to “clarify why the current caseload undermines public safety and effectiveness of our judicial system.” With all due respect, neither the facts nor the numbers support the claims of my opponent. Continue Reading

Death by a thousand cuts

The “no new taxes” phrase is thrown about all the time. But if New Mexico actually acts on this worn-out platitude, it will make coming up with a realistic budget next year very difficult, if not impossible. Continue Reading