Yes, we do need regulation

If corporations are “persons,” they need to be governed by laws that promote responsibility, prohibit harm to others, and set reasonable limits on their freedom, just as individual citizens are governed by laws. Continue Reading

The Iron Lady of Santa Fe

When Margaret Thatcher became prime minister, she faced a nasty recession and high unemployment just as New Mexico faces today. She took a hard line against unsustainable collectivist policies – so hard, in fact, that she gained the nickname the “Iron Lady.” Our new governor faces the same woefully unattractive situation. Continue Reading

Palin by comparison

Everyone else sees Sarah Palin as a politician, a celebrity, or a political celebrity. I see her differently – as a threat, ironically, to the one thing she purports to hold most dear: freedom (whatever it means to her). Continue Reading

The common agenda

Dems are bound to disagree with the incoming administration on some issues, but the early transition from campaign to governance is showing promise for partnership.
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Tough cuts are needed

We at the Rio Grande Foundation have put together a list of potential spending cuts that works from the assumption that K-12 and Medicaid are indeed “off the table.” The fact is that tough decisions need to be made. Continue Reading

House Dems can forestall coalition

House Democrats have ample time to come to an agreement on leadership and maintain the power of the Democrats before the session. But it will take an honest discussion of where Democrats want to go from here and not just a calculation of who can garner the most votes (from whatever direction) to be speaker of the House. Continue Reading