Is social media the new town hall?

The last election showed that social media was a predictor on a national level and played an important part at the local level here in New Mexico. But now that the election is over, is it affecting the ways in which we interact with our elected officials? You bet. Continue Reading

It’s about honesty and transparency

There is no one of us more qualified to fix our schools than all of us. In particular, the 100,000 years of teaching experience in the APS have a right to a seat at the table where decisions are made. The people have a seat at that table as well. Continue Reading

Evil, thy name is notoriety

January 8th our nation was shocked by the mindless violence in Arizona. What did the shooter want to get? Sadly, the answer is notoriety. It is one of the most prevalent influences in our society. Yes, I am theorizing and do not know his mind. However, as I watch the coverage of major shootings in our society, all indicators point to this: Evil, thy name is notoriety. Continue Reading

Dancing with the lemons

Last week I suggested that Governor Martinez give consideration to grabbing the third rail of political issues such as cuts in Medicaid to help balance the FY2012 state budget. Well, here’s another third rail issue to grab on to: cuts in education. Continue Reading

Inauguration night was a ball

While photographing Susana Martinez during her campaign, I was invited into the small circle of believers who thought she would win. At her inauguration celebration, I realized that circle was now enormous and I was on the outside looking in. But I was looking in with very good memories from before Nov. 2. Continue Reading

Good for gays, necessary for New Mexicans

New Mexico needs jobs, and all of us – gay or straight – could use an economic revival in our lives. That is why this week’s opinion from Attorney General Gary King stating that New Mexico should recognize all out-of-state marriages – included same-sex marriages – was such good news. Continue Reading