Last year’s hiatus helped me find perspective and rediscover hope. America has changed, and so have I. It’s time for me to focus on things other than political journalism.

Vote like the apocalypse is coming, because it might be
California’s fires and blackouts are the latest indicator of the harsh reality we’re preparing to hand to our children. It’s not too late to change course, but we must act now. Continue Reading

NM GOP leaders don’t really care about corruption
Remember all the complaining about Bill Richardson? Republican leaders were right then, but apparently only because it was politically convenient. Continue Reading

After spaceport leases released, settles lawsuit
The Spaceport Authority admitted no wrongdoing in its handling of my public records requests but agreed to pay $60,000. Continue Reading

Public officials can’t block us on social media
It doesn’t matter if it’s President Donald Trump or state Sen. Michael Padilla. We have a right to see when they talk about public business and discuss it. Continue Reading

The GOP I once respected is dead
Forget compassionate conservatism. Cruelty is the Republican Party’s core identity today. Continue Reading

Impeachment can work if Torres Small, others show courage
This is no time to prioritize the next election over stopping a corrupt leader who’s actively hurting people. Continue Reading

There’s no simple path to stopping gun violence
Banning AR-15s won’t end the killing. We have to dig deeper and courageously confront our society’s demons. Continue Reading

Resisting yet another occupation in the borderlands
The people of the borderlands have resisted and survived occupation and oppression for hundreds of years. That history gives me hope today. Continue Reading

Lawmakers, let people see how you’re spending their money
New Mexico won’t improve until we reject our government’s culture of corruption. Continue Reading

Capital outlay and earmarking should be transparent, equal
Accounting for individual earmarking and capital outlay isn’t always transparent, but it should be. Continue Reading