Happy (fiscal) New Year!

We the people have spoken. We want a balanced budget without cuts to services or tax increases. It’s clear that the public doesn’t know what it wants and knows even less how to get there. That’s where our leaders come in. We need them to lead. Continue Reading

Lifeguards wanted: regulator as hero

When I think of “sexy” professions, regulators seem nestled snugly between port-a-potty cleaner and roadkill removers. Compare this stereotype to other public servants like doctors, nurses, firemen, police officers and soldiers. Teachers are called noble. District attorneys and public defenders are considered crusaders for justice. What about the humble regulators? They get called bureaucrats and busybodies. Rather than writing new regulations, we need to change the way that we think and talk about the regulators themselves. Continue Reading

I might be wrong… and you might be too

We’ve got problems (globally, nationally, and locally) and we need all hands on deck to get this right. We need to be able to work together and learn to admit when we’re wrong so that we can get down to the hard yards of moving forward. Of course, I could be wrong… Continue Reading

Does size matter?

The Gulf oil spill comes in the context of a series of events that have highlighted two distinct and competing visions of the role of business and federal government in the United States. But to me, the question of whether government is too big or too small is irrelevant. The question is whether it does its job. Continue Reading

Up in flames

I was planning to write a rapid response piece to all the snarky, ill-willed and unfounded political comments that were supposed to be made at last night’s 82nd Academy Awards. The problem: There was absolutely zero fuel for the fodder. Continue Reading

What Americans thought about Obama’s speech

Rather than listening to pundits, my laptop and I traveled out of the District to the home of a dear friend in Falls Church, Virginia. I listened to zero commentary. Just soaked in e-mails and texts from self-professed Democrats, independents and Republicans. Here’s what I and they thought. Continue Reading

Saying goodbye to ‘one of those years’

Yes, for many, 2009 was just one of those years — and, then, there was the atrocious economy to compound it. Or perhaps it’s the other way around. Maybe it was the atrocious economy of 2009 that aggravated everything else into a difficult and complicated mess-of-a-year. Either way, it was rough. Continue Reading