Messaging from the master

I’m sitting in Austin, Texas today with a conference full of very smart Democrats, and I don’t say this lightly. I was feeling slightly like a fish-out-of-water, until my very balanced and politically acute mentor and friend, Mark McKinnon, walked in to address the conference. Continue Reading


I rushed home from the gym last evening (and probably, no surely, cut a few cars off along the way) to catch what I have loved since the Berlin Wall came down. What is that? A good Presidential address – yep, I’m a sucker. A few comments. Continue Reading

Heterosexual mockery

The warming within the GOP ranks – and, moreover, across the American heartland – to gay marriage is just as much commonsensical as it is generational. Seeing that marriages come and go so whimsically here in America– why should the male-female scenario have a lock on what is defined as marriage? Continue Reading

The draw-down fanfare

The last U.S. Combat Brigade marched out of Iraq yesterday, symbolizing just that – the end of the combat component of Operation Iraqi Freedom. A heartfelt and sincere thank you to all of the troops and civilians, both standing and fallen, who served so courageously over the last seven years in Iraq. Continue Reading

Good to know

The president is smart. That is good news. but for me, the real question remains whether the president is wise enough to make the tough leadership decisions that America needs right now. Continue Reading

VIDEO: Daisy

As we enter August and head toward the 2010 General, we should all prepare ourselves for the barrage of political ads that are about to attack our flat screens. Check out this shocker of an ad from 1964. What would it take today to have an ad banned after one airing? Continue Reading

How about that Geithner

On today’s Meet the Press, David Gregory and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner had a candid and even somewhat revealing discussion about the overall state of the economy, as well as specific ways to abet the healing process. Continue Reading

THE Visit

Today, British Minister David Cameron will touch down in Washington for his first state visit with President Barack Obama. This is a big deal on many levels. Continue Reading

The Influentials, or not

It should come as no surprise that I feel the need to comment on Chris Cillizza’s Washington Post blog, “Ranking the Most Influential Republicans.” Now, I am not declaring my Republicanism here, I am just interested from my center-right frame of mind. Who are the GOP’s ‘most influential?’ A very good question. Continue Reading