ACORN employees in New Mexico being retrained

Two weeks after videos surfaced showing ACORN employees in Maryland giving advice on how to establish and run a brothel with underage prostitutes, an ACORN official in New Mexico says six employees have already completed the first phase of retraining and both offices in the state remain open. Continue Reading

Bingaman wants clear strategy in Afghanistan

U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., says President Barack Obama has some tough decisions to make as he proceeds with fighting the war in Afghanistan. If the president can’t clearly define a strategy, Bingaman said it might be time for the U.S. military to pull out of the country. Continue Reading

Time could be an issue at crowded lt. guv forum

Organizers of tonight’s Democratic Party lieutenant governor candidate forum — the first of the 2010 election cycle — may have to reset the number of seats at the table after early morning shuffling among some of the candidates, but keeping track of time could be a bigger problem. Continue Reading