TV panel discusses NMPolitics.net’s lawsuit against Spaceport America
The lawsuit seeks the release of information about how much customers are paying in rent and fees to use the spaceport and other documents. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/author/nmpolitics-net-staff/)
The lawsuit seeks the release of information about how much customers are paying in rent and fees to use the spaceport and other documents. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net’s editor and publisher joined the Rio Grande Foundation’s podcast this week to discuss the spaceport and politics in Southern New Mexico. Click on the headline to listen. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net’s editor and publisher was on the radio this week discussing his recent article that examined an ambitious effort to address the perennial problem of low voter turnout. Click on the headline to listen. Continue Reading
The news organization is trying to win the release of financial documents and other records the N.M. Spaceport Authority is refusing to show the public. Continue Reading
But the Society of Professional Journalists’ Rio Grande Chapter also expressed disappointment that the AG’s office left some questions unanswered and took 10 months to respond to NMPolitics.net’s complaint. Continue Reading
The legal opinion comes more than 10 months after NMPolitics.net alleged violations and sought the attorney general’s help. Continue Reading
This is the second time in three years that NMPolitics.net has won the National Federation of Press Women’s investigative reporting award. Continue Reading
A journalistic project led by NMPolitics.net joins a Netflix documentary, a New York Times bestselling book and The Players’ Tribune, among others, in receiving national awards from the organization Mental Health America. Continue Reading
An article by NMPolitics.net editor and publisher Heath Haussamen is part of a series that has won two first-place awards in a multi-state journalism competition. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net has won seven journalism awards in the 2018 New Mexico Press Women contest. Continue Reading
The USA Today Network announced this week that an in-depth series on behavioral health in Southern New Mexico spearheaded by NMPolitics.net has won two national awards. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net’s editor and publisher also talked about this year’s race to replace Steve Pearce in the U.S. House. Continue Reading
The border region is growing, but for New Mexico to truly capitalize and diversify its economy, the state must think regionally. Continue Reading
Three Las Cruces journalists have won first-place awards for their work spotlighting behavioral health in New Mexico. Continue Reading
New Mexico In Focus’ Gene Grant recently interviewed Haussamen about a range of issues related to what’s happening at the Roundhouse. Continue Reading