Time to change the way time is changed
If we are to reverse the intrusive nature of government, a convenient first starting point could be with the government-mandated Daylight Savings Time. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/author/michael-swickard/page/6/)
If we are to reverse the intrusive nature of government, a convenient first starting point could be with the government-mandated Daylight Savings Time. Continue Reading
Not much liberty remains in this land of a million laws and rules. Can we reverse this trend toward always enacting more rules? Continue Reading
The core of our dysfunction is the schools are ignoring the most basic principle of learning. It is driven almost entirely by the curiosity of humans and their need to have the tools to satisfy that curiosity. Continue Reading
An anti-cannabis stance is unfortunate because it needlessly condemns some people to a very unpleasant ending of their life without the relief of medical cannabis. Continue Reading
Every time you hear the “tax the rich” dialog, you can label that person a huckster who takes from one American to give to another American for their vote. In America we are left in the debate about the rich with this question: What do we do when we have taken all of the wealth from the rich? Who is next? Continue Reading
Governor Susana Martinez must stand up straight and tall and mean the words she says. New Mexico needs someone to do what is right despite the anger it may cause. Continue Reading
When Texas Governor and presidential candidate Rick Perry told the truth about Social Security, every other politician on both sides of the political aisle would not go there because telling the truth to the public does not win races. Continue Reading
It seems to me that TEA partiers are a loosely held and lead group of people who are paying attention to the actions of our elected leaders. Period. They have no problem with calling out someone who is not doing the right things, regardless of party. Continue Reading
Nothing will ever get better in our government if we do not tell the truth about the effect of bad structures within our government. Continue Reading
America is at a critical crossroads. The government must reinstall a business climate so that the manufacturing sector can lift the nation out of this recession – or we can continue using government to keep people from being productive. Continue Reading
Maybe legalization with pharmacy control is the only way to keep the money out of the hands of the drug cartels. All I know is there are no other approaches that show any signs of success. Continue Reading
A real live hero lives in Albuquerque – one who rescued a young girl from a kidnapper. But he is not in the United States with legal status. While Antonio Diaz Chacon is a fine human being and an exceptional credit to his country, Mexico, he has to answer for being in our country without legal status. Continue Reading
I may never need to defend myself, but as was said in the Old West: It’s better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it. Continue Reading
It’s not possible to take all guns out of a society, so the way to stop attacks is to allow potential victims a means to resist them. Continue Reading
With the retirement of the space shuttles and nothing really on the horizon in space we are not giving our young any dreams to lift them up. So very sad. Continue Reading