AG Madrid opening office in Las Cruces

Attorney General Patricia Madrid will be in Las Cruces Friday to officially open a permanent branch here.

The office will focus on consumer complaints. Opening it is something Madrid has sought since she took office in 1999, but only in her last year in office was she successful in obtaining funding.

Because there hasn’t been an office in Las Cruces, the number of complaints coming from this county has been much lower than expected in a county this size, said Sam Thompson, attorney general spokeswoman.

The term “consumer complaints” covers a broad range of issues individuals have with businesses. The most common complaints relate to automobile sales, Thompson said.

Staff members in the office will attempt to mediate disputes, but they won’t provide legal representation to individuals when out-of-court settlements can’t be reached. If the office finds a pattern of fraud or other problems related to a specific business, it might then opt to sue.

For now, the office will be staffed by one attorney and one consumer advocate, Thompson said. There are other positions available, and Madrid will allow incoming Attorney General Gary King to fill those positions next year.

When Madrid took office, the consumer complaints division operated only out of Santa Fe. She expanded to Albuquerque, and there was a sharp increase in the number of complaints made in that area.

The grand opening for the Las Cruces office is at 1 p.m. Friday at its new facility, located at 201 North Church Street, Suite 315. The office’s phone number is (505) 526-2280.

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