Madrid says she may run for governor or Senate

Attorney General Patricia Madrid confirmed what we all suspected – there’s a good chance she’ll run for U.S. Senate in 2008 or governor in 2010.

Madrid confirmed such suspicions while conceding the 1st Congressional District race Tuesday, according to the Albuquerque Journal.

“I enjoy public service, and I will not today close the door on seeking elective office,” the newspaper quoted her as saying. “I don’t ever want to run for attorney general again, because I don’t believe in going backwards in life. … There are only two statewide races that I think would be higher – and of course that is governor and the Senate.”

Though that has long been the suspicion of what Madrid would do next if she lost the congressional race to Heather Wilson, it’s noteworthy that she said it publicly.

There’s a lot of posturing going on right now. Gov. Bill Richardson and Sen. Pete Domenici are the giants in New Mexico politics. Richardson is done for good in four years, and many suspect Domenici will bow out before the 2008 election cycle as well.

Many politicos are waiting to see how things shake out so they can make their moves.

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