Share your view on the LCPS controversy

I want to invite readers to write in with their thoughts on what should come of the situation in the Las Cruces Public Schools.

But I want to caution you – my e-mail inbox and comments submitted on my blog have been full of profanities and libel all week. If that’s your intention, don’t bother. I’m looking for insightful pieces that convey thoughts on how the school district should proceed from here, with the goal of healing and improving our schools.

Length isn’t an issue. It’s what you write that will be an issue. Nasty personal attacks won’t be published. Rumor won’t be published.

I’m looking for constructive dialogue.

E-mail your responses to me at Because of the nature of the situation, I’m not going to require that you include your name, but I would prefer it, so those who do include their names are more likely to have their responses published.

If you include your name, please also include a phone number, so I can verify that you are who you claim to be. I’d like to receive responses by Sunday at 5 p.m.

I’ll publish the best responses Monday morning.

Comments are closed.