BREAKING NEWS: Board delays Diaz decision

The Las Cruces Public Schools Board of Education has extended the administrative leave of Superintendent Sonia Diaz until Monday.

Because the investigation into allegations against Diaz is not complete, and because two board members could not attend the meeting, board Member Gene Gant, who attended today’s meeting by telephone, made the motion to reschedule the meeting for Monday and keep Diaz on paid administrative leave until then.

“We have not completed our investigation and more time is needed,” Gant said. “I believe that this action would be in the best interest of all parties.”

Gant and board member Chuck Davis voted to do that. Board Member Leonel Briseño voted against it, saying he is not questioning whether Diaz has made mistakes, but that “nothing I have heard warrants continuing Dr. Diaz on leave.”

He asked the other members to considering going into executive session to discuss taking Diaz off administrative leave while the investigation is completed, but they were not willing to do that.

The board will meet at 4:45 p.m. on Monday to further discuss the situation. All five members should be in attendance.

The board placed Diaz on leave a week ago while it investigates allegations that have not been disclosed publicly. Briseño has said the allegations were brought forth by staff members.

Board Member John Schwebke is out of the state until Friday. President Sharon Wooden is out of the country until Saturday.

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