Kissling may not be the only Democrat to run in ’08

It appears there may be several Democrats battling for the right to take on U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M. in 2008.

In addition to Democrat Al Kissling’s announcement that he will run again, State Rep. Joseph Cervantes, D-Las Cruces, and Doña Ana County Commissioner Bill McCamley are considering running.

Jeff Steinborn, who was elected last week to the state House, ran unsuccessfully for the congressional seat held by Pearce two years ago but was defeated in the primary. He said it’s too early to think about whether he’ll run again in 2008.

Kissling didn’t face primary opposition this year.

Cervantes said he won’t make a decision on whether to run until after the 2007 legislative session ends in mid-March.

“I think that it would be wise for me to postpone any announcement or decision until after the legislative session,” Cervantes said. “I wouldn’t want anyone in the legislature to second guess my intentions. … Naturally, I’m looking for every opportunity I can to serve the state. Right now, I have a great opportunity to do that as chair of the (House) Judiciary Committee.”

McCamley also said he’s considering a run.

“I’m definitely considering it, and looking very closely,” he said. “It’s very early in the game, but I’ll make a decision by April 1.”

Unlike McCamley and Cervantes, Steinborn didn’t say whether he’s considering a run – but he didn’t discount the possibility.

“It’s way too early to even be thinking about those kinds of opportunities,” he said. “… That’s not my focus right now.”

The Democrats might be wise to attempt to get their ducks in a row and avoid a primary fight. Strong Democratic candidates ran against each other in 2002 and 2004, and they ended up spending a lot of money fighting each other and digging up the negative stuff so Pearce didn’t have to do it.

If Democrats have to fight a primary battle in 2008 and Pearce does not, Pearce can save any money he raises before June 2008 until the end of the campaign, and unleash a deluge of mailers, commercials and advertisements just before the election. Meanwhile, the successful Democrat will have to start from scratch raising money in June and will face that disadvantage the entire race, on top of the difficulty of running against an incumbent.

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