Kissling plans to run again in 2008

Al Kissling, who scored just over 40 percent of the vote last week in his bid to unseat U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., plans to run again in 2008.

The Democrat made the announcement today in an e-mail to supporters.

“When you consider we began the year with no funding, a minimal staff and even less experience, it is gratifying to see what we were able to accomplish together,” Kissling wrote.

Before the 2008 campaign can get started, Kissling must raise about $35,000 to pay off debt from this year’s campaign. Kissling is asking for donations, and plans to hold a fundraiser on Dec. 10 to finalize that process.

Kissling wrote that he plans to officially organize and get started on the 2008 campaign in January.

Kissling’s 2006 campaign manager, Bill Grigaliunas, said he’s optimistic about 2008.

“Al did extremely well running on a shoelace (this year),” he said. “With money, he will be a winner.”

For other Democrats who were beginning to think 2008 might be the year to strike but were hoping to avoid a primary, this will be bad news. Are they willing to spend a lot of money in a primary against Kissling, or will they decide to stay out of the race after all?

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