Your election predictions published on this site

I’d like to hear your election predictions, and I’ll publish some of your thoughts on this site. Some of the questions I’m interested in:

• Will Democrats take control of the House? The Senate?

• Will Republicans win any statewide races? If so, which ones, and by how much?

• Will Gov. Bill Richardson get more than 60 percent of the vote?

• Who will win the local House races? In particular, will reps. Terry Marquardt and Andy Nuñez be re-elected?

• Who will win the Doña Ana County sheriff race?

• Who will win the Doña Ana County Commission races?

• Any other topic you want to discuss.

I’m looking for thoughtful answers that explain why you believe what you believe. Also, if you’re predicting winners, tell us how much the margin of victory will be. The length of your answer doesn’t matter. Depth does.

I’m more likely to publish your thoughts if you include your name and where you’re from.

I’ll publish the best answers throughout the week. E-mail them to me at

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