Kissling: ‘tax the heck out of’ the ultra-rich

I’ve been asked by several Democrats and Republicans recently whether Al Kissling, the Democrats’ candidate trying to unseat U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., really said people who make more than $2 million annually should be taxed at a rate of 50-75 percent.

He did. Kissling made the comments during a May 24 interview on The Morning Show With Michael Swickard.

He was asked about oil companies and said they were making obscene profits. He said the answer to obscene salaries for corporate officials was to “tax the heck out of them.”

“I think that people who make over a couple of million ought to be taxed heavily,” Kissling said.

Swickard asked how much people who make more than $2 million should be taxed, to which Kissling responded, “I’d say 50-75 percent… and thank them for helping the national good.”

Don’t believe me? Most I’ve spoken with didn’t, but I was listening that day and was certain I heard it. I got my hands on a recording of the interview and confirmed it. You can hear Kissling say it by clicking here.

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