Pearce has time for speeches, but not debates

Congress has adjourned. U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., should have nothing to do right now but focus on his re-election.

But he declined an invitation from an Albuquerque television station to debate his opponent, Democrat Al Kissling. He also won’t be at tonight’s League of Women Voters forum in Las Cruces, which Kissling plans to attend.

You would think, then, that he must be really busy, right?

Not so busy that he can’t attend another event in Las Cruces next week. The Southwest Border Sheriffs’ Coalition meets in Las Cruces Sunday through Tuesday. Pearce is scheduled to be a guest speaker.

Free press. No opponent. No angry constituents to question him.

An entirely controlled environment.

What else has Pearce been doing?

Well, last week he was on Michael Swickard’s radio show. Again, no opponent. Free press.

Where are the debates? Kissling has challenged Pearce to several, but Pearce won’t participate.

Pearce agreed to one candidate forum in August. It was held in the afternoon, which ensured no live television coverage. KRWG-TV, which recorded it, hasn’t been able to broadcast it because the Pearce campaign won’t approve it and, according to federal law, both campaigns have to do so, the station says.

You can listen to KRWG-FM’s audio recording of the debate by clicking here.

Though Pearce agreed to one forum, he’s ducked other debates and now won’t even appear in the same place as Kissling, even in a controlled setting like a League of Women Voters forum that showcases a host of candidates in a short time period and gives each only a couple of minutes to talk.

That makes Pearce, like Gov. Bill Richardson, a debate ducker.

I now have in my hands video of the August candidate forum. As soon as I get it transferred from VHS to a digital version, I will broadcast it on this site.

Stay tuned.

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