Richardson’s new position is that he will take a position on cockfighting, but not yet

It would seem that Gov. Bill Richardson is almost ready to show the world he isn’t afraid to take a stand on the issue of cockfighting.

But we’ll have to wait until just before the legislative session to learn what position he’ll take.

According to a column in the Las Cruces Sun-News, Richardson told the newspaper’s editorial board last week that he will have a position by the start of the session.

“My position is that I will have a position, very clear, and I’ll announce it right before the legislature,” the newspaper quoted him as saying.

Richardson drew national ridicule from Jay Leno and others in April, when he said during a visit to Las Cruces that he hadn’t made up his mind on cockfighting and said there were good arguments on both sides of the issue.

“I still believe that,” the newspaper quoted Richardson as saying. “But I do think it’s circulated enough that it’s time to just deal with it.”

New Mexico is one of two states where cockfighting is still legal, though many counties, including Doña Ana, have outlawed the practice.

While I have no inside knowledge about what position the governor will take, here’s the prediction of the cynic in me: He’ll take a stand against cockfighting, and maybe even give the proposed ban the push it needs to get through the legislature. But he doesn’t want to do it until January so he can let this election pass. He wants 60 percent of the vote, and that means he needs the rural, Hispanic voters his campaign has been targeting, many of whom support cockfighting.

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