Dendahl on abortion and other life issues

Gov. Bill Richardson has still not agreed to debate Republican challenger John Dendahl. The reason given by his campaign manager is that Dendahl isn’t capable of “positive sharing of ideas.”

Debates and candidate forums should be standard in all races. Richardson’s refusal to debate ideas on how to better the State of New Mexico shouldn’t mean that Dendahl doesn’t get to share his views in a public forum. Until Richardson agrees to a televised debate, I’ll be publishing Dendahl’s stances on various issues.

I was planning to do the same for Al Kissling, the Democrat challenging U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., because Pearce only agreed to one debate, held in the middle of the day, which ensured no live television coverage. That debate was recorded by KRWG-TV, but the station never broadcast it. Apparently, both candidates have to agree to such a broadcast. Though Kissling’s campaign agreed, Pearce’s did not.

Pearce may have a say in what is televised over the airwaves, but he doesn’t have any say in what is broadcast on the Internet. It appears that I’m going to be able to get my hands on the video and broadcast it on this site – which means that, despite the efforts of his campaign, Pearce (minimally) met the challenge of a debate that can by watched by all who are interested. So instead of giving Kissling free space on this site, I’m hoping to broadcast footage of the debate later this week or early next week.

But back to Richardson and Dendahl. Here’s Dendahl’s stance on abortion and other life issues, taken directly from his Web site:

“As a matter of personal principle, I acknowledge that a life is taken when an abortion is performed. Therefore, I generally disapprove.

“A leading responsibility of government is to protect the rights of an individual against infringement by others. The right not to be murdered is among those. The consequences of infringement are grave, including execution in some cases. Newborns are among those so protected. At some point in gestation, a viable unborn is substantially indistinguishable from a newborn. At and after that point, abortion should be illegal except to save the life of the mother.

“I support requiring a mother to be counseled as to alternatives to abortion and, as well, imposition of a reasonable waiting period (e.g., 24 hours), following such counseling prior to performance of an abortion.

“I oppose public funding of abortions except for saving the life of a mother who is otherwise eligible for public assistance with her health care.

“The approval of at least one parent or legal guardian should be a prerequisite to performing an abortion on a minor. I do not oppose substituting a court of competent jurisdiction for a parent or legal guardian in extenuating circumstances.

“I do not oppose contraception, including a ‘morning after’ pill.

Cloning and Stem Cell Research: Much remains to be accomplished in development of ethical guidance for this science, so I am both deeply concerned and skeptical of its efficacy. I believe adequate research funding can be found from non-government sources, so I oppose public funding. I expect to be indefinitely opposed to human cloning.

Euthanasia: I believe a competent adult should be permitted appropriate professional assistance to end his or her life on account of physical suffering.”

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