Richardson campaign touts Salopek release

Gov. Bill Richardson’s re-election campaign has put together a special Web page touting his successful mission to secure the release of American journalist Paul Salopek.

The site uses the phrase “We got him!” It includes links to select articles about the mission. In addition, it includes a Podcast in which Salopek and his wife Linda Lynch talk about the experience. Salopek says he and his two companions were excited when they learned Richardson would try to intervene on their behalf.

“It raised our spirits,” Salopek says. “…He had a track record of doing this before.”

The site also includes Richardson’s first video blog entry. On the amateur-style recording, the governor discusses the mission and how he secured Salopek’s release. He also takes what might be a shot at the Republican administration’s foreign policy.

“(Salopek’s release) shows that if you use diplomacy… talking through your differences, you can get things done,” Richardson says.

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