Quotes from Armijo news conference

Here are some quotes from the press conference at which Jeff Armijo announced he is quitting his bid to remain the Democrat’s candidate for state auditor:

Said Armijo: “Out of my profound respect for Speaker Lujan I have concluded that, in the interest of many wonderful New Mexicans, that I will not seek the office of state auditor. I was elected fair and square by 62 percent of the Democratic Primary voters, and my fight to protect ordinary New Mexicans will never end. Although I still feel that I am the candidate for state auditor, my meager resources cannot match the mighty powers and resources of big government and powerful politicians.”

Said Speaker of the House Ben Lujan: “Pride can sometimes get in the way of making important decisions that impact us, our friends and our families. Today, Jeff has shown that he can set aside his pride and put his love and compassion for the people of this state before his self interest.”

Said state Democratic Party Chair John Wertheim: “We’ve always felt that our legal disagreements with Jeff Armijo were, ultimately, minor ones between members of the Democratic family. Often, the hardest people with whom to resolve differences are those to whom we are closest. I am pleased that Jeff and the Democratic Party have overcome our differences, and that we are ready to highlight the Democratic record of moving New Mexico forward.”

Said State Rep. Hector Balderas, now the Democrat’s candidate for auditor: “I am glad that this chapter of the state auditor’s race has come to a close. I continue to be humbled by the overwhelming support my campaign received at Saturday’s Democratic meeting and I am excited to take my message to the people that I am independent, ethical and that I will protect New Mexico taxpayers.”

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