Richardson should heed his criticism of Dendahl

I try to avoid quoting unabashedly liberal or conservative bloggers, but sometimes there are exceptions.

Conservative blogger Mario Burgos made a great point in a posting on his blog today.

Recall the text from this commercial Gov. Bill Richardson’s re-election campaign aired on radio stations across the state in June:

“A secret meeting… The order is delivered… And the political candidate quietly goes away… Is this the Third World? The Middle East? Eastern Europe? No. It’s the New Mexico Republican Party Central Committee and John Dendahl.”

Of course, the ad is attacking the infamous Damron/Dendahl switcheroo.

The ad also contains these words: “Forget about elections. Forget about the voter. That’s the way John Dendahl wants it, and that’s the way it is.”

You can hear Richardson’s ad by clicking here or read a transcript by clicking here.

Burgos suggests we apply these words to the situation involving Democrat Jeff Armijo’s removal from the ballot in the race for state auditor.

“A secret meeting… The order is delivered… And the political candidate is forced to resign. Is it the Third World? The Middle East? Eastern Europe? No, it’s the New Mexico Democratic Party led by Governor Bill Richardson,” Burgos writes. “First, Richardson sets up a meeting with Democratic nominee for State Auditor, Jeff Armijo, and his father. Richardson tells Armijo to pull out of the race. Within hours Armijo is supposed to be gone and State Representative Hector Balderas is only days away from being the Democratic candidate for State Auditor. Forget about elections, forget about the voter, that’s the way Bill Richardson wants it and that’s the way it is…”

Burgos goes on to write that the only difference between the two situations is, “unlike last time, this time it’s all true.”

Let’s be honest: It was true both times.

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