BREAKING NEWS: Armijo may stay in auditor race

Democrat Jeff Armijo, who announced last week that he was dropping out of the race for state auditor, has called a news conference for 4:45 p.m. today in Albuquerque.

He has until 5 p.m. today to formally withdraw from the race. According to the secretary of state’s office, he has not yet done that, but he must file papers in their office in Santa Fe for his withdrawal to become official.

It’s not clear what Armijo is planning, but the state’s Democratic Party put out a news release a few moments ago stating that Armijo plans to stay in the race.

“No matter what Jeff Armijo says or does today, he already officially withdrew his name from the General Election ballot for State Auditor a week ago, on August 29, 2006. His actions on that day created a vacancy on the General Election ballot,” state party Chairman John Wertheim said in a news release. “Although I am personally disappointed that Jeff has gone back on his word, officially, he is welcome to go before our State Central Committee on September 9th just like the other candidates vying to fill this vacancy, and attempt to get his name back on the ballot.”

But Hoyt Clifton with the secretary of state’s office said Wertheim is wrong and reiterated that Armijo must formally withdraw before 5 p.m. today.

It’s not clear why Wertheim released the statement. Matt Farrauto, the party’s executive director, said he doesn’t believe the statement is false.

“That’s our position,” he said. “Our statement is our statement.”

I’ll let you know what’s going on as soon as I find out what happens at the press conference.

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