Democrats’ auditor candidate says report that some in party have asked him to quit is false

The Democrat’s candidate for state auditor finds himself on the defensive after an Albuquerque political blogger reported Tuesday that some in his party want him to abandon his candidacy.

Joe Monahan wrote on his blog that Democrat Jeff Armijo is facing a situation “that could drive him from the ticket, or could create a major campaign issue that could cause his defeat as well as fan more ethics flames in the direction of other Dem hopefuls.”

Monahan reported few specifics, but wrote that Armijo “has been advised by Dem loyalists that an abandonment of his candidacy should be considered,” and that the “problem … centers on a ‘personal relationship’ of Armijo’s.” The last day he could step down and be replaced on the ballot by the party is Sept. 12.

In an e-mail sent this early morning, Armijo told me that he did not want to comment on “the rumors perpetuated by Mr. Monahan” about an alleged problem, and asked for “some degree of journalistic integrity.”

Armijo wrote that he will not abandon his candidacy. He said Monahan’s report that some Democrats have asked him to do so is false.

“I did not receive any communication from anyone regarding this assertion,” Armijo wrote. “Would he be willing to provide call times and phone numbers from those folks? I will reconcile my T-Mobile account and my Vonage numbers.”

Armijo challenged Monahan “to disclose the Democrats acting as the source” for his blog posting, and said he believes “there is an ethical lapse in that posting.”

“I would also note that Monahan mentions that I did not return a call he placed to me on Monday,” Armijo wrote. “Of course, most folks know that this is my day to catch up from six days of campaigning. Please note that he did contact my opponent at his ABQ West Side home because my opponent is not taking time to listen to the concerns of people and ask them for their vote.”

The Republican candidate, Lorenzo Garcia, told Monahan that he had “heard the talk” of a potential scandal involving Armijo, but said “it is not specific.”

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