Richardson doesn’t want another stimulus bill

Gov. Bill Richardson said during a meeting of the nation’s governors this weekend that he doesn’t want another federal stimulus bill.

He was quoted by The Associated Press as saying at the meeting if the National Governors Association that he believes it will take two years for the economy to see the full impact of the stimulus bill passed earlier this year.

“I’m worried about the deficit and I think we’ve got to be careful about another stimulus package right now because I think the first stimulus package is working,” the news service quoted Richardson as saying. “I think we should let it run its course.”

The article quotes other governors as agreeing with Richardson.

The messages from the governors come as the GOP is attacking President Barack Obama’s massive stimulus bill, saying it hasn’t worked, and as some Democrats in Washington are beginning to call for another stimulus bill. Obama has dismissed the idea of another bill, urging patience with his recovery plan.

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