New Dem poll has Denish leading Pearce, Wilson

This article has been updated.

A new poll released by a national Democratic group shows Lt. Gov. Diane Denish far ahead of Republicans Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson in potential head-to-head contests in next year’s gubernatorial race.

In both cases Denish leads by 22 points, 57 percent to 35 percent, in the poll, which was conducted by the Democratic polling company Harstad Strategic Research of Boulder, Colo., and released today by the Democratic Governors Association. The survey, conducted between May 31 and June 4, polled 613 likely 2010 voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

“Clearly, Diane Denish starts off this gubernatorial race with a lot of goodwill among New Mexicans, and she is in a heavily favored position against either one of the well-known Republicans who ran in statewide elections last year,” the polling memo states.

Denish leads both Republicans in the poll in every area of the state and among men, women, Hispanics and Anglos.

“As a native New Mexican, Diane Denish really connects with the people of the state,” Nathan Daschle, executive director of the DGA, said in a news release. “Voters in New Mexico recognize her positive vision for the future, which will build on her robust record of standing up for children, helping small businesses and strengthening schools.”

A spokeswoman for the state GOP did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Pearce and Wilson, both former members of the U.S. House, have said they are considering running for governor next year, and Pearce has said he will announce a decision this month, but neither is actively campaigning for the office.

The poll leaves out two other Republicans who are actively campaigning for governor. Albuquerque financial adviser and Army National Guard brigadier general Greg Zanetti has formally announced his candidacy, and former state GOP chairman and Albuquerque businessman Allen Weh has formed an exploratory committee. Both are traveling the state to campaign.

Denish is the only announced Democratic candidate and already has about $2 million on hand for next year’s election.

Update, 2:05 p.m.

State GOP spokeswoman Janel Causey released this statement about the poll:

“As we are still a year out from the primaries, it is a little early to be putting much stock in a poll conducted by the Democratic Governor’s Association — especially since the Republicans named in the poll have not indicated that they are seeking this seat,” she said. “We do, however, find it interesting that the DGA chose to highlight Denish’s record on education even though recent statistics show that New Mexico’s graduation rate ranks 48th in the nation.”

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