CNN: Guv might be headed to North Korea

Gov. Bill Richardson might be called upon once again to travel to North Korea to negotiate with the government of the rogue nation.

CNN is reporting that Obama administration officials have floated to the North Korean government the idea of sending either Richardson or former Vice President Al Gore to that nation to negotiate the release of two U.S. journalists who were sentenced earlier today to 12 years in labor camps there.

The journalists, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, were accused of illegal entry into the country, “hostile acts” and spying. They work for California-based Current TV, which Gore co-founded.

According to CNN, the North Koreans have not responded to the possibility of a visit from Gore or Richardson, but the Obama administration expects that, now that the trial has ended, the North Koreans will OK a visit from one of the two to seek the journalists’ release.

Richardson has a long record as a diplomat from his time as a congressman, U.N. ambassador and even governor, and few, if any, Americans have a better relationship with the North Korean government than him.

Richardson has traveled to North Korea several times throughout his political career, most recently in 2007 when he went there to secure the release of remains of American soldiers killed during the Korean War. North Korean officials have also traveled to Santa Fe to discuss North Korean/American relations with Richardson.

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