Weh to travel the state to meet with business leaders

Potential 2010 Republican gubernatorial candidate Allen Weh announced today that he’s traveling the state in the next two weeks to talk with business leaders and small-business owners about the economy.

“I want to hear about their struggles in keeping jobs, but I also want to hear about what they want done in the future,” he said in a news release. “For the last eight years, Bill Richardson and Diane Denish have shackled New Mexico businesses with taxes that are higher than our bordering states, as well as excessive, often irrational, regulations. All of this combined drives business away from New Mexico and costs our economy jobs. It’s time to think different.”

Weh, who has formed an exploratory committee as he considers running for governor, will visit 26 New Mexico counties and travel 2,500 miles, according to the news release. No additional details were released.

Weh isn’t the first Republican who’s active in the gubernatorial race to travel the state to talk about issues. Though he hasn’t publicized his travels in advance like Weh is, Greg Zanetti, the only declared Republican candidate, has been traveling the state for weeks to talk with business leaders, GOP activists, journalists and others about his candidacy.

The only declared Democratic candidate is Denish, the lieutenant governor. Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez says he’s formed an exploratory committee as he considers challenging Denish for the nomination.

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