Voters in poll split on 2010 GOP guv nomination

There are apparently a wide variety of opinions about who the GOP should nominate for governor next year, according to last week’s non-scientific poll on this site.

Of 438 voters, 123, or 28 percent, said the GOP should nominate Allen Weh, while 120, or 27 percent, said the party should pick Heather Wilson. Some 54 voters, or 12 percent, picked Janice Arnold-Jones, while 46, or 11 percent, picked Steve Pearce. Another 45, or 10 percent, picked Greg Zanetti, while 42, or 10 percent, said the GOP should nominate “someone else,” and eight, or 2 percent, said they don’t know.

Don’t forget to vote in this week’s poll, located at the top of the right column on this page.

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