Richardson’s criticism of Dendahl backfires

On Wednesday, Republican gubernatorial candidate John Dendahl filed his first campaign finance report, a month late, and the campaign of Gov. Bill Richardson criticized the fact that almost half of Dendahl’s contributions came from the oil and gas industry.

Richardson’s campaign asked for it, and Dendahl gave the appropriate response –Richardson has taken almost 10 times as much oil and gas money.

Dendahl reported raising $59,700 as of July 3. At that point, he had spent only $1,373. More than half – $25,000 – came from the oil and gas industry.

“It’s clear why he didn’t want to file the report,” said Richardson Campaign Manager Amanda Cooper, referring to the tardiness of Dendahl’s filing. “He’s clearly in the pocket of big oil and gas.”

That’s according to a Thursday article in the Albuquerque Journal.

Dendahl responded in another Journal article this morning, accusing Gov. Bill Richardson of hypocrisy. According to the Institute on Money in State Politics, Richardson has taken $234,263 from the oil and gas industry thus far in his re-election campaign.

Though it’s less than 4 percent of the $7.3 million Richardson has raised thus far, it’s almost 10 times what Dendahl has received, the Journal reported.

“It is the typical hypocritical doublespeak that we have grown used to…” Dendahl told the Journal.

Cooper responded by saying Richardson’s acceptance of oil and gas money is a sign of broad-based support.

“We have thousands of supporters from all over the state,” she told the Journal.

Nice attempt to finagle her way out of a corner, but Cooper asked for that shot from Dendahl. It is true that Richardson has many financial supporters. In fact, he has accepted single contributions that are four times larger than all the oil and gas money Cooper criticized Dendahl for taking.

Dendahl is in bed with big oil and gas for taking $25,000, but Richardson’s acceptance of 10 times that reveals broad-based support?

You can’t have it both ways.

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