Obama to hold town-hall meeting in ABQ

President Barack Obama will visit Albuquerque next week to discuss credit card debt at a town-hall meeting, Gov. Bill Richardson said today in a news release.

The meeting will be held on May 14. No further details were released.

“I am pleased the president is returning to our state to engage New Mexicans in a discussion about this critical economic issue,” Richardson said in the release. “Our working families are struggling under the weight of credit card debt fueled in part by out-of-control interest rates and fees. I applaud President Obama’s aggressive approach, tackling a number of the most serious issues simultaneously, because there is no time to waste.”

Richardson said Obama has “displayed bold leadership in proposing an economic stimulus package that not only gets much-needed funds flowing into the economy, but takes a giant step toward a renewable-energy economy that protects the environment and reduces our reliance on foreign sources of energy. Even more importantly, the stimulus package is helping states like New Mexico balance depleted budgets, create jobs and build critical infrastructure.”

“It is great to have a president and federal government that are looking to partner with states and the American people to help move the country forward,” Richardson said. “I welcome President Obama back to the Land of Enchantment .”

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