Teague tops N.M. House members in fundraising

Southern New Mexico Democrat Harry Teague was the U.S. House member from New Mexico who raised the most money during the first quarter of the year.

Teague, according to the report he filed on Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission, raised $281,259.58 from January to March. He spent $32,569.57 and had $279,287.67 on hand at the close of the reporting period. Some $132,000 of the money he raised came from political action committees.

He has an outstanding loan from himself of $450,000.

Meanwhile, Democrat Ben R. Luján, according to his report, raised $138,370.16, spent $111,126.69 and had $60,228.14 on hand at the close of the reporting period. He has outstanding loans of more than $158,000. Some $91,040.16 of his contributions came from PACs.

Click here and you’ll find details about Luján’s campaign having to pay penalties and interest to the IRS totaling $13,627.87 for failing to pay taxes during 2008. The paying of the back taxes is also reflected in the report.

As I’ve already reported, Democrat Martin Heinrich raised $248,221.77 from January to March. Almost $137,000 came from PACs. He spent about $72,000 and had $201,200.02 on hand at the end of the quarter.

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