Despite news report, Richardson spokesman says governor isn’t returning to North Korea

The South Korean news agency Yonhap is reporting that New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson may be headed back to North Korea, but Richardson’s spokesman says there’s no current plan to do that.

Richardson went to the rogue state last October, taking with him New Mexico State University President Michael Martin. The South Korean report said Richardson’s new trip would be as an information conduit for the Bush administration.

But Richardson spokesman Gilbert Gallegos told that “the governor has no plans to go to North Korea at this time.”

Of course, that could always change.

Richardson also met with North Korean officials in 2003 in Santa Fe.

As reported on this blog and rehashed today on, Richardson’s recent relationship with the White House has been rocky. It started when White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said Richardson unsuccessfully wooed the North Korean leader “with flowers and chocolates” as a Clinton-administration envoy.

Richardson fired back in an article in the Albuquerque Journal by accusing Snow of being “ungrateful” for his efforts. He also slammed the Bush administration for its handling of North Korea.

I have a feeling this isn’t over.

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