But what about ethics reform?

Want to know why it’s so difficult to pass any ethics-reform measure in Santa Fe? A news release sent out by the governor’s office this evening provides a clue about one of the big reasons.

The release was about Gov. Bill Richardson meeting this afternoon with more than 100 New Mexicans to discuss legislation during meetings that each lasted 3-5 minutes. People traveled from as far away as Mesquite (located in southern Doña Ana County) for the meetings, according to the release.

Not surprisingly, the most popular issue brought up was the bill the Legislature has approved that would repeal the death penalty, the release states.

But what else was brought up? According to the release, a number of other issues, “including a state acquisition of the College of Santa Fe, PERA retirement contributions and animal cruelty legislation.”

Ethics reform? Not mentioned in the release.

So I e-mailed Richardson spokeswoman Caitlin Kelleher. “Not ethics reform, eh?” I asked.

“There were some — I just highlighted the most popular,” she replied.

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