Meet the House’s webcasting heroes

This article has been updated.

You’ve heard a lot about them, and maybe you’ve watched their webcasts of House committee hearings. But how often do you get to see the webcasting heroes of this session in action?

Here they are.

First is Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones, R-Albuquerque and the woman whose courage started the webcasting movement in the Legislature. Here she is in action this morning, webcasting live from a meeting of the Voters and Elections Committee.

You can view Arnold-Jones’ webcasts — live and archived — by clicking here.

And here’s Rep. Dennis Kintigh, R-Roswell, who last week became the second lawmaker to start lugging around the equipment necessary to webcast audio and video from his committee meetings. He’s shown here webcasting on Monday from the Judiciary Committee.

You can view his webcasts by clicking here.

Now a question: Why have no House Democrats joined these two heroes in webcasting? Why has no one, Democrat or Republican, in the Senate started doing this?

Update, 2:30 p.m.

It’s been pointed out to me that Rep. Candy Spence Ezzell, R-Roswell, has been webcasting from one of her committees since last week. Click here to view her webcasts.

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