Report: More GOP legislators to start webcasting

It appears that House Republicans are getting ready to expand their audio and video webcasting of committee meetings.

Reps. Candy Spence Ezzell and Dennis Kintigh of Roswell may be preparing to join “Lady Sunlight,” Janice Arnold-Jones of Albuquerque, in webcasting their committee meetings, according to the Santa Fe Reporter. The newspaper’s blog posting quotes Howard DeLaCruz-Bancroft, the tech guy helping Arnold-Jones webcast her meetings, as saying he’s already prepped laptops with webcasting equipment for Ezzell and Kintigh.

Ezzell sits on the House Energy and Natural Resources and Labor and Human Resources committees, and Kintigh sits on the Health and Government Affairs and Judiciary committees. If webcasting from those committees begins, half of the House committees will be webcast live on the Internet.

You can view the Arnold-Jones webcasts right here.

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