Sen. Lopez will allow Rules Committee webcast

Sen. Linda Lopez, D-Albuquerque, says she will allow the New Mexico Independent to webcast tomorrow’s meeting of the Senate Rules Committee, which she chairs.

Lopez made the comment this evening via the social networking Web site Facebook. Here’s how it happened:

Earlier today, I changed my status on my Facebook page to say, “Heath is wondering if the Senate Rules Committee is going to try to stop an attempt to webcast Friday’s meeting.” After the day’s events — the Senate Committee’s Committee reversed its earlier decision and voted to proceed toward webcasting from the Senate floor — I changed my status to, “Heath is doubting that the Senate Rules Committee will try to stop the webcasting of Friday’s meeting.”

Within minutes, Lopez, who has her own Facebook page, posted a comment on my status.

“You’re right! I won’t,” she wrote. “I’m in favor of webcasting.”

There you have it. The webcast is scheduled to begin at 7:45 a.m., and the meeting is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. Click here to join in.

For whatever it’s worth, I’ve now changed my Facebook status to, “Heath is amazed at how Facebook can become a journalistic tool.”

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