Politicos comment on Obama’s inauguration

This article has been updated.

Here are some comments about the inauguration of President Barack Obama from New Mexico politicos.

From 1st Congressional District Rep. Martin Heinrich:

“What an incredible day for all Americans! Having just witnessed the inauguration of President Barack Obama, I am filled with a tremendous sense of hope, patriotism and pride,” he said in a statement released by his office. “I look forward to working with President Obama to renew America’s promise. Our times are certainly challenging, but I am confident that together we can overcome any obstacle to move this great nation forward and achieve the change our constituents asked for and deserve.”

From 2nd Congressional District Rep. Harry Teague:

“Today I witnessed the historic swearing in of President Barack Obama,” he said. “It was an exciting event and the over one million attendees represented people from every cross section of America. As President Obama said in his speech, the challenges we face as Americans are great. It is an honor to represent the hardworking people of southern New Mexico during this historic time in our nation’s history. I am excited to work with my colleagues in Congress and President Obama to solve our economic crisis and put America back to work.”

From 3rd Congressional District Rep. Ben R. Luján:

“I join all Americans in celebrating President Obama’s Inauguration,” he said. “President Obama’s administration and Congress face tremendous challenges — circumstances that President Obama outlined in his remarkable address — but we also have an unmatched opportunity to change the direction of our country. It is an honor to represent the people of New Mexico during this historic time, and I look forward to working with the Obama administration, my colleagues in Congress and my constituents in New Mexico to get our country back on track.”

From Harvey E. Yates Jr., chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico:

“The inauguration of Barack Obama as our 44th president marks an historic day for the entire nation. The swearing-in of the first African-American president is in itself a cause for celebration for all New Mexicans. As chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico, I pray that President Obama will be one of the best presidents this country has had,” Yates said. “As Republicans and as New Mexicans, we wish President Obama well as he confronts the serious challenges this nation faces today. We also respectfully remind him that the health and well-being of this nation rest on the foundations of individual liberty, individual creativity and individual responsibility, all of which are diminished by the present trends toward an all powerful government.”

Update, 4:50 p.m.

U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman released this statement:

“Under President Obama’s leadership, I am confident that we will rise to our nation’s many challenges. I believe that we will take the necessary steps to turn the economy around, and that we will put in place the type of educational system we will need to prepare Americans for the jobs of tomorrow,” Bingaman said. “I also believe we will take on health-care reform, finding ways to cover those who lack insurance and providing quality health care who those who may already have coverage. And I especially look forward to working with our new president to craft an energy policy that moves us away from our dependence on imported oil and focuses instead on homegrown, low-carbon energy supplies and energy efficiency. We have a lot to do, but I believe we are ready to make significant progress.”

Bingaman also said Obama is “assembling a very capable team, and I look forward to working with them.”

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