Pearce won’t seek GOP chairmanship; Yates will

Steve Pearce, who is pondering his political future as he leaves the office of southern New Mexico congressional representative, has decided not to seek the state GOP party chairmanship.

Pearce had floated the idea of running and was widely expected by many to seek the chairmanship as he explored future political options, but he has decided to instead support oilman Harvey Yates for the position, several sources confirmed.

Yates will face at least three other candidates for the chairmanship at Saturday’s meeting of the state GOP central committee. The most formidable, according to the sources, is expected to be Farmington doctor Allen McCulloch, who ran unsuccessfully against U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman in 2006.

Republican sources said they have no doubt that Yates can raise money, but the media-shy oil giant, who rarely speaks to any journalist about any subject, would have to hire staffers who can build good relationships with the media and communicate with the public, the sources said.

The Yates family controls a quarter of all federal land leased for oil and gas drilling — more than any other family or group in the nation.

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