Denish names key members of transition team

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish today named key members to a transition team that will assist her as she prepares to take over as governor when Bill Richardson leaves for Washington to become commerce secretary.

Denish named Kathy Keith as director and Chris Cervini as communications director for the transition team. Keith comes from Public Works, LLC, a private firm that assists governors and their cabinet agencies nationwide on projects involving planning, innovative policy and efficiency. She was the state’s economic development division director from 2003-2006 and has worked in several federal jobs.

Cervini, currently external communications manager for Lovelace Health System, was chief of staff and communications and policy director for Denish from 2003-2006.

“The transition staff will work at my direction to prepare the administration to hit the ground running on day one. New Mexico faces serious challenges and we will be ready to meet them head on,” Denish said in a news release. “Kathy and Chris bring exceptional experience, skills and professionalism to our transition efforts. It’s a pleasure to welcome them to the team.”

Keith will be the point person to work with the governor’s office on the transition and manage all transition activities, the release states. Cervini will be responsible for communication about the transition and working with the public information officers in the governor’s office and various state agencies on the transition.

“Gov. Richardson and I are committed to a smooth and seamless transition of power. I assure the people of New Mexico that there will be no interruption in good state government and public service. When the time comes for me to take power, I stand prepared to lead,” Denish said in the release.

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